Cut your reading time and absorb knowledge 5x faster with visual summaries
Our wall of love:
Every time I use The Visualizer, I get more and more impressed. It has become fundamental for my strategic thinking, scenario development, and risk management processes. It augments my insight and enables me to discover “things I don’t know I don’t know”, using The Visualizer as a mechanism to gain perspective.
The Visualizer is fantastic! Congrats to the whole team!
I've been using The Visualizer to sense check chapters of my book, making sure I'm not missing anything. Same applies to my talks and articles. I can use it for inspiration without running the risk of plagiarism.
The Visualizer is a really cool product for distilling complex information into hierarchical structure. Great for people like me who are self-taught and need a better way to keep track of homebrewed curricula (among many other use cases).
I'm super impressed by the simplicity and the utility of The Visualizer. I don't know who likes to parse through large blobs of text but I do know that a lot of people appreciate visual representations of ideas as it aids the learning process. It's also a handy tool for writers to create detailed outlines very quickly.
I am using The Visualizer to coach my team. I rough draft ways to engage, make sure I'm coaching, engaging, and communicating in more than just a linear path but with this tool, it's almost like my brain is going from two dimensional up to a three dimensional perception on how to engage the team!
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Most advanced AI models by OpenAI, Anthropic & Meta AI
Regular updates and new capabilities
Map out and summarize your PDFs, docs and images
Regular updates and new capabilities
Unlimited Maps
Unlimited AI usage
Yearly Plan
3-day free trial
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Most advanced AI models by OpenAI, Anthropic & Meta AI
Regular updates and new capabilities
Map out and summarize your PDFs, docs and images
Regular updates and new capabilities
Unlimited Maps
Unlimited AI usage
3-year Plan
3-day free trial
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Most advanced AI models by OpenAI, Anthropic & Meta AI
Regular updates and new capabilities
Map out and summarize your PDFs, docs and images
Regular updates and new capabilities
Unlimited Maps
Unlimited AI usage
All plans include:
PDF to map
Understanding made easy: Transform dense papers into clear mind and concept maps.
Website to map
Browsing made simple: convert web news and blog posts into quick digests.
Long text to map
Paste lengthy text for a quick and concise map summary.
Image to map
Explain charts, diagrams, and infographics, as structured mind maps.
YouTube to map
Learning made efficient: condense long videos into a single map.
Audio to map
Turn meeting recordings, podcasts, and interviews, into key map notes.